Posting your event on road race calendars is one of the best ways to get your race out there. They are free to post on (although some have paid promotion options) so it’s a great place to start.
Here’s a few local and national options where you can post your race:
1. RunMichigan Calendar
RunMichigan is the most important Race Calendar to submit your race to in Michigan. Posting your event is free and there is a paid promotion option for $75 where you can make your event a featured event with a logo. Most larger races in Michigan do make their events “featured events” on RunMichigan and I’d definitely recommend it.
Add your race as a RunMichigan featured event for $75
2. Michigan Runner Girl
Michigan Runner Girl also offers free and paid options. Not nearly as large as the RunMichigan Calendar but may work well depending on the theme or destination of your race
Add your race on Michigan Runner Girl
3. Running in the USA Calendar
This is the largest nationwide calendar with thousands of events listed. Runners can search by state though so definitely a good idea to add your race here
Add your race to the Running in the USA Calendar
4. Your local city calendar or sponsor calendars
Contact your local city newspaper to see if you can get added to their calendars or get a blurb in the paper. Many running stores also have race calendars so reach out to your running store for sponsorship and promotion
Other Calendar Options:
RaceDirectorsHQ has a great list of other options for national race calanders here:
Joining RaceDirectorsHQ may make sense if you don’t want to manually add your race to numerous race calendars. They have a tool that will add your race to all the calnedars for you. Membership is $99 and you can other added benefits like a sponsorship finder and discounts on race directing supplies. You can join RaceDirectorsHQ here: